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Mars in aspect to Jupiter synastry   Leave a comment

Mars the God of sex and war meets lusty Jupiter chief of the Gods with a passion and lust for life.  These two planets will get on well in any aspect Jupiter provides that feel good factor, it is instant satisfaction guaranteed and highly addictive.

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Mars conjunct, square or opposite Jupiter is a dynamic expression of natural sex drives both parties will feel completely relaxed about the sexual aspect of their relationship and will be able to express their sexuality openly with each other.  This dynamic also makes for a lot of fun and laughs in the bedroom as pruddishness is not something either of these planets is known for.  With this aspect there is an open-minded attitude to sex that as a couple they will try anything once and find the funny side if it doesn’t go according to plan.  Jupiter enjoys sex immensely but does not take it too seriously which might wind Mars up at times but the fun-loving side of Jupiter will more than make up for it and Mars is always guaranteed to leave the boudoir with a smile on his or her face.

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Mars sextile or trine Jupiter is a fun-loving sexual expression within a relationship. This couple knows how to enjoy themselves in the boudoir without taking things to the extreme.  Both are open-minded and willing to give most things a go yet with this aspect they both are wise enough to know what is likely to throw their backs out.  This energy also creates a positive can do attitude within the relationship as a whole and both partners are likely to feel supported and encouraged in their vocations in life.

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Mars quincunx or semi-sextile Jupiter can indicate difficulties with expressing sexual needs comfortably in the relationship.  Often people feel uncomfortable expressing their needs with a partner or they expect their partner to intuitively fulfil their needs without any communication on their part.  This aspect just calls for a little honest communication in the bedroom from time to time.

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Mars quintile or biquintile Jupiter gives harmonious and relaxed sexual expression to the relationship.